See the front page for the current status.
December 30, 2019: So far one release-blocking issue and several possible issues have been found in GfW48 RC4. The current editor is also double-checking everything. We’ll have to re-edit it and re-encode RC5. Chances are, we can release it shortly but probably not in this month.
December 23, 2019: We finalized the GfW48 RC4 script with Kaze, the new translator-editor, and a new MKV file was created. I hope we can release it this week. Another new member joined us. This person, tenkenX6, has worked with Live-eviL, Saizen, etc., and now is working for a few groups mainly as a translator. Our current plan is, tenkenX6 will translate GfW49/51/53 while Kaze will translate GfW50/52/54 (last), ideally releasing one episode per month, and after that (i.e. ideally in six months) we will focus on a new project: Yōkoso Yōko (YY). By the way, check out these two fountain images! One is from HCR41 (the fountain in Kazetachi Kinen Kōen), the other is the real-world counterpart (in Shōwa Kinen Kōen).
December 18, 2019: GfW48 RC3 was test-encoded, now to be QCed. I hope we can release it next week. Gyu8, currently being QCed again, will be released after GfW48. We now have a new translator-editor (see below), and we may have yet another new translator (a fellow fansubber kindly emailed us!). Plus, after GfW48 we only have six GfW episodes to go. As such, if things go well, we might start new project(s) before long. Currently the #1 candidate is Idol Angel Yōkoso Yōko; #2 is Magical Angel Sweet Mint. The other possible choices include Goldfish Warning! Movie and Mary Bell Movie (Fenikkusu no Kagi). Although we may have translators and translation-checkers, we still don’t have enough editors. If you speak English fluently and love editing/writing, and if you are interested in at least one of the current three projects (or above-mentioned shows/movies) and think you can work with us, please email us (the address is at the bottom of the page and/or see below).
From Idol Angel Yōkoso Yōko (1990–91): the sister anime (not a sequel) of Idol Densetsu Eriko, both created by Ashi Pro. + TV Setouchi + Big West and directed by Amino. While Eriko is old-fashioned, dramatic, sequential, and serious, Yōko is experimental, surreal, random, and light-hearted.
From Sweet Mint (1990–91)
December 15, 2019: Good news! A new translator-editor has joined us. She is a person who wrote scripts before for Hikari no Kiseki for Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san. Amazing. She QCed GfW48 RC2 yesterday morning (UTC), and RC3 (possibly final) is now half-ready script-wise. If the editor in charge has enough free time, we can release GfW48 this month (still iffy). Also, she is willing to translate the next episode (GfW49); the release ETA of GfW49 is perhaps January or February of 2020 (big IFFY).
December 11, 2019: (1) The current GfW/HCR editor is back! Hopefully we can start QCing GfW RC2 tonight or tomorrow (UTC); there is hope that we can continue GfW/HCR. Perhaps chances are fifty-fifty (if 5 releases/yr, we’ll still need a few more years to complete GfW/HCR, and only God knows what might happen in a few years). (2) Also, one person emailed us yesterday saying “I have lots of free time on my hands and would love to help you guys in anyway i can! I would love to become an editor!” If s/he actually joins us, our releases might become significantly faster. This one is still iffy. The two others who emailed us earlier (possible new QCers) may not be so interested after all… :sad:
December 4, 2019: Currently every member seems too busy and as such things are not going too well.
November 28, 2019: GfW48 was re-encoded (RC2). Gyu08 has been QCed and now to be re-edited. There were about 20 lines to be fixed (updated). We may be able to release these two eps in December. Two persons emailed us saying they might help us. In the best-case scenario, we can release things faster. However, we may have to focus on Gyu, not doing GfW/HCR for the time being, if we don’t have editors/QCers who are not too busy. If, on the other hand, a solid, motivated editor(s) join us, we may be able to do more things (e.g. GfW Movie, or even something not yet subbed at all like from 1990s). If you love old anime such as GfW and you think you can work with us, email us (the address is at the bottom of the page and/or see below).
November 24, 2019 (19:49 UTC): We have released Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime Gyu! 07.
November 24, 2019 (19:30 UTC): We have released Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime Gyu! 06v2.
November 24, 2019: The missing person was back, so probably we can release Gyu6v2 and Gyu7 soon.
November 23, 2019: Gyu is ready to release (torrent files are ready); then ironically the person who has the login/password has gone MIA. This year may not be a lucky year for us (honobono).
November 17, 2019: We are understaffed. I don’t think there are many people reading this page, but anyway, if you are a fan of at least one of the three anime we’re subbing (Goldfish Warning! / Hime-chan’s Ribbon / Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime Gyu!), and if you think you can edit (or quality-check), please join us (even if temporarily)! You don’t need much free time (because we are slow). You can quit any time you like.
An editor is a person who edits drafts (translated from Japanese) so that the scripts will become better (more natural) as English. One episode has like 300 lines (Example), of which maybe 200–250 lines are already good when you get a draft. The job is purely text editing. You don’t have to translate, time, or typeset anything. Basically, anyone can do this as long as they speak English fluently and are a decent writer.
A quality-checker is a person who watches a test-encoded video and spots possible problems (such as typos, bad grammar, awkward expressions). Anyone can do this as long as they can read English subtitles.
If you think you might be able to help us, please PLEASE do feel free to contact us ( In the past we introduced hidden gems like The Star of Cottonland, Minky Momo - The Bridge over Dreams and several other series (perhaps about 200 episodes in total), but now, many of the old members are gone. Our ex-chief editor left the team after she had finished the first season of FH, so our editinig department is now not very powerful. Not only that, the translator who wanted to do the second season had gone MIA. Ouch. One of our three encoders is now inactive; our encoding power has diminished since we released HCR40. The remaining members are also more or less busy with real life and other things. That is why we’re understaffed.
October 7, 2019: Although Gyu07 is practically ready to release, we will probably release Gyu06v2 first (before Gyu07); perhaps a double release of 6v2 + 7. The “potentially bigger problem” (see below) turned out to be a really important issue, not only related to some of our files, but related to media players/tools in general, and for example MPC-BE, MPC-HC, LAV Filters are to be updated (fixed) soon based on our discovery. While we are sorry about the delay, many programs are affected by the issue we noticed, and thus in a way, we are indirectly helping many subbers and anime fans, not just lazily delaying the release.
October 3, 2019: The current queue status. (1) Gyu07 = ready to release (Gyu06v2 TBD); to be released soon (possibly today or tomorrow). (2) GfW48 = encoded; waiting for QC; once QCed, the rest should be fast. (3) Gyu08 = encoded; to be QCed. (4) HCR42 = edited 75%; still to be edited, timed, typeset, and encoded. (5) Gyu09 = translated 20%. (6) GfW49 = to be translated. (7) HCR43 = to be prepared for editing.
September 29, 2019: Gyu07 was re-encoded yesterday to fix some minor problems, but then we have noticed a potentially bigger problem. We might even have to do v2 for Gyu06… (though Gyu05 was ok)
September 18, 2019: Gyu07 = finally encoded, probably to be released this month. GfW48 = test-encoded; so far QCed by 2 of the 3 QCers and about 10 minor editing problems have been found. To be re-encoded shortly.
September 12, 2019: GfW48 = QC this weekend; more than 50% chance of September release. HCR42 = still editing; the editor in charge is relatively fast. Gyu07 = prob. the release as soon as the encoder (a busy person) is back. — All in all, it seems that 2019 is going to be our most productive year in the recent seven years (2013–19).
September 7, 2019: Dr. Slump references in Goldfish Warning! 48: (1) Aoi wearing an Arale/Senbei-style pink cap; (2) Wapiko running à la Arale (she even says “Kiiin!” in one scene).
September 5, 2019: Goldfish Warning! 48 has been 100% edited (both halves). To be test-encoded this weekend. Release ETA = the second half of September or (if delayed for some reason) October.
September 2, 2019: Hime-chan’s Ribbon 42 has been about 50% edited (as of Aug 26). Gyu 7 will be the next release (still to be encoded), then probably Goldfish Warning! 48 (2nd half edited, timed, and now being typeset; 1st half translated but not yet edited).
August 21, 2019: Himeko’s birthday is July 30, 1977 in the original manga version, while it is January 31, 1980 in the anime version.
August 11, 2019: Current status: Futago-hime Gyu! 7 = the script is ready; the encoder is on vacation. Hime-chan’s Ribbon 42 = edit in progress. Goldfish Warning! 48 = the 2nd half edited; the 1st half not yet ready; raw cleaned.
August 1, 2019: Hime-chan’s Ribbon 42 is now ready to edit.
July 31, 2019: Gyu 08 has been typeset.
July 27, 2019: Gyu 07 is ready to release, after just re-muxing (unless QCers find anything new that they want to change).
July 26, 2019: Goldfish Warning! 48: The 2nd half has been edited nicely (the 1st half not yet ready). Gyu 07 is practically ready both script-wise and encoding-wise (video). We may start working on Hime-chan’s Ribbon 42 soon.
July 12, 2019: Goldfish Warning! 48 has been translated, first half already being edited. Gyu 07 is almost ready to release (just finalize a few lines, mux, and release). Hopefully we can make some progress this weekend.
July 7, 2019: Perhaps we can release Gyu 07 next week. Goldfish Warning! 48 has been almost fully translated, soon to be edited. Gyu 08 is being typeset. We’ll soon start working on Hime-chan’s Ribbon 42 too.
June 29, 2019: Gyu 07 RC3 is almost ready, to be QCed, near to release. Also, the 1st half of Goldfish Warning! 48 has been translated, and to be edited while the 2nd half is being translated.
June 24, 2019 (18:54 UTC): We have released Hime-chan’s Ribbon 41. The bridge depicted in this episode may be based on a real place (see a separate page for more info).
May 23, 2019: After a 2-year hiatus [HCR40 was released on 2017-05-10], we’re now restarting Hime-chan’s Ribbon Episode 41. We may be able to release 41 within like two weeks, as it is already in the RC3 (=near-final) stage, script-wise. The hiatus was not due to laziness; life is not always peaceful. Our chief encoder of HCR, who also did that amazing OP logo work, needed a rest. She, however, did not just go MIA; she gracefully has made the necessary arrangement so that we can continue this project. We’d like to continue HCR (we even have a QCer whose nick is Pokota). We can’t promise anything, but we’ll try!
May 4, 2019 (20:20 UTC): We have released Goldfish Warning! 47. This episode has a few interesting aspects. You can read Translator’s Notes after you watch it!
April 22, 2019: After a 5-year hiatus [GfW46 was released on 2014-03-21], Goldfish Warning! Episode 47 is now almost ready to release! The exact status is like this: the episode was fully translated, edited, timed, almost fully typeset (except the voice-actor credits in ED are still missing), almost fully QCed (except there are 5 or 6 lines that are not finalized). A release candidate (RC3) should be ready within a few days, and after final checking, maybe that file will be actually released. If QCers want to change anything in RC3, we are going to have to make RC4, but that will only take a few days, just changing a few words in the script. So GfW47 will be probably released at the end of April or the beginning of May.
February 16, 2019: We have released Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime Gyu! 06.
This episode is somewhat like Let’s Make Sweets ☆ Princess Party (Episode 10 of the First Season).
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
More info about [ This release | Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ]
Little Lovers is a slice-of-life episode. One of its main topics is a realistic problem for little children, but is rarely depicted in anime shows, perhaps because it’s not very exciting nor fantastic (and so not marketable). When the seiyū for Yumeko voices Fake Yumeko (who is actually Himeko), the way she speaks is subtly different (Himeko-ish) — nicely nuanced! Also interestingly, Shintaro and Ichiko (“Icchan”) are voiced by the same person.
Yumeko & Shintaro (Click to enlarge)
The Tama River? (Click to enlarge)
See The Tama River in Hime-chan’s Ribbon Ep. 41
More info about [ This release | Hime-chan’s Ribbon ]
Trivia & Cultural Notes — Translator’s Notes for this episode (GfW47) about various things, including: Animation blooper; Kamakura (snow hut); A hidden message on the stained glass; Nattō; Similarity found in Revolutionary Girl Utena, Ep. 16.
More info about [ This release | Goldfish Warning! ]
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